1.1 Stergiou and Christou 1996
These three methods will be demonstrated by replicating the work in Stergiou and Christou (1996) Modelling and forecasting annual fisheries catches: comparison of regression, univariate and multivariate time series methods. Fisheries Research 25: 105-136.
1.1.1 Hellenic landings data
We will use the annual landings data from Hellenic (Greek) waters (Figure 1.1) that were used in Stergiou and Christou (1996). Stergiou and Christou analyzed 16 species. We will look at just two of the species: Anchovy and Sardine. Stergiou and Christou used the data from 1964-1989. We have the data up to 2007, but will focus mainly on 1964-1989 (the first half of the time series) to replicate Stergiou and Christou’s analyses.

Figure 1.1: Location of the fishery.
The data are available in tables in yearly fishery survey reports published by the Hellenic Statisical Authority.
The main landings data is in Table IV in these reports.