landings$log.metric.tons = log(landings$metric.tons)
landings = subset(landings, Year <= 1987)
Add t
to the data. This is Year minus first Year.
landings$t = landings$Year-landings$Year[1]
We will look at sardines and a 4th order polynomial. h is the forecast length. h=5 is 5 years.
val <- "Sardine"
poly.order <- 4
h <- 5
Use the poly function
\[log(Sardine catch) = \alpha + \beta t + \beta_2 t^2 + \beta_3 t^3 + \beta_4 t^4 + e_t\]
model <- lm(log.metric.tons ~ poly(t, poly.order), data=landings, subset=Species==val)
Use the predict()
function. First you must set up the newdata data.frame. This is specific to the predict()
function. Let’s predict for the next 5 t after the end of the data.
dat <- subset(landings, Species==val)
## [1] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
The newdata data.frame must have the name the same as your predictor t
and have the values at the t
you want to forecast.
last.t <- max(dat$t)
nd <- data.frame(t = last.t + 1:h)
Now you can predict:
predict(model, newdata = nd)
## 1 2 3 4 5
## 9.241230 9.293302 9.387034 9.532185 9.739329
That is for years
max(dat$Year) + 1:h
## [1] 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992
You can use predict for this too. lwr
is the lower 95% prediction and upr is the upper 95% prediction.
predict(model, newdata = nd, interval="prediction")
## fit lwr upr
## 1 9.241230 8.946917 9.535543
## 2 9.293302 8.881264 9.705340
## 3 9.387034 8.802235 9.971834
## 4 9.532185 8.714969 10.349401
## 5 9.739329 8.623837 10.854821
Show in metric tons instead of log metric tons.
pr <- predict(model, newdata = nd, interval="prediction")
pr <- as.data.frame(exp(pr))
pr$Year <- max(dat$Year) + 1:h
Make table in R markdown
fit | lwr | upr | Year |
10313.72 | 7684.167 | 13843.11 | 1988 |
10865.00 | 7195.879 | 16404.98 | 1989 |
11932.66 | 6649.086 | 21414.72 | 1990 |
13796.70 | 6093.444 | 31238.33 | 1991 |
16972.15 | 5562.689 | 51783.21 | 1992 |
pr <- predict(model, newdata = nd, interval="prediction")
pr <- as.data.frame(exp(pr))
ylims <- c(min(dat$metric.tons, pr$fit), max(dat$metric.tons, pr$fit))
pr$Year <- max(dat$Year) + 1:h
plot(dat$Year, dat$metric.tons, xlim=c(min(dat$Year), max(dat$Year)+h),
lines(dat$Year, exp(fitted(model)), col="red")
lines(pr$Year, pr$fit)
Here is a function I created to make forecast plots using ggplot().
You can plot with
You model fits the data nicely, but your forecasts are very uncertain as you move farther out. This is a property of very flexible models. They fit the data, but tend to overfit so forecasts are more not less uncertain.
Fit a 1st order polynomial to the sardine data. Create a forecast for 10 years into the future.
Create forecasts for one of the other species.
## [1] Anchovy Sardine Chub.mackerel Horse.mackerel Mackerel
## [6] Jack.Mackerel
## 6 Levels: Anchovy Sardine Chub.mackerel Horse.mackerel ... Jack.Mackerel